0.2 Top banner with link to Metro and Weather Bottom banner with live help and emergency Button Emergency full functioning 0.2.1 3/15/2017 Use Ajax to render bus id from local file on router (fail) CROS couldn't be setup on router 3/16/2017 Use embedding js file to render bus id from local file on router (success) 3/20/2017 Add visual message (picture + text) to corresponding connection issue Add test mode (add ?vid= to test) 0.3 3/21/2017 Add next bus schedule to bus stop Emergency changed to Alert Security 0.4 7/20/2017 Partially styled with communication design Add scheduling for chat 0.5 8/17/2017 Fully style with communication design 0.5.1 2/28/2018 Updated to access api without "ID=" 0.5.2 3/19/2018 update to make 5 digits bus id works 3/20/2018 show all route instate of last section 0.5.3 7/18/2018 Mobile icon and start page for "Save on homescreen", and mobile view port setting 0.5.4 7/26/2018~8/25/2018 Menifest file added optimized for PWA Social Services on map autoPan canceler when dragging the map and redo when clicked the auto center button updated map initialize mathod, so it will not load extra social services Less ajax call Metro Alert 0.5.4 1/14/20 removed alert message about tokens updated with Facebook pixel code